Guide Guide

Wolf Theiss Guide: Restructuring Loans and Enforcement of Security

This guide is part of our wider offerings on Financial Restructuring, which is included in our services for Special Situations. Our fully integrated, multi-disciplinary Special Situations team provides expert counsel to direct lenders, credit funds, distressed investors, borrowers and other stakeholders on the full range of financial restructuring services.

Our updated guide provides a comprehensive summary of the restructuring and insolvency regulations of 13 jurisdictions in CEE/SEE and offers the reader practical insight into the available options for the restructuring or winding up of businesses. The structure of the individual country chapters allows for an easy comparison between the national rules applicable in the given situation of the debtor and the impact of relevant EU legislation.

The first chapter also highlights the key stages of a consensual restructuring process. While private restructuring is very much on the ascendancy and creditor driven arrangements have been given ample attention, the main themes of court driven rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings are also covered.

We also summarise the major issues and outline potential decision points which stakeholders in a financially distressed company will be facing before a final determination can be made concerning the viability of a work-out or the need for the enforcement of security which may trigger the insolvent liquidation of the debtor.

Marcell Nemeth, Partner

Restructuring Loans and Enforcement of Security in CEE and SEE

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