Is competition law getting greener? Horizontal cooperation and sustainability objectives
Our newest podcast focuses on the relationship between competition law and sustainability, and more specifically the question if competition law is about to become green. This interesting discussion is hosted by Wolf Theiss lawyer and member of our Vienna competition team Martin Gassler, who is joined by competition law experts Viktoria Robertson and Simon Holmes. […]...
Impfpflicht und betriebliche COVID Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
In der ersten Folge unseres Wolf Theiss Arbeitsrecht-Podcasts diskutieren die Arbeitsrechtsexperten Ralf Peschek und Matthias Unterrieder über die Auswirkungen der Impfpflicht auf das Arbeitsverhältnis. Sie beleuchten Fragen über die Einführung einer betrieblichen Impflicht, inklusive gesetzliche und betriebliche Grundlagen, bis hin zu Auswirkungen einer betrieblichen Impflicht auf das einzelne Arbeitsverhältnis, sowie Fragen des Datenschutzes. Nach einer […]...
Mandatory vaccination and COVID safety measures in the workplace
In the first episode of our Wolf Theiss Arbeitsrecht podcast in German, employment law experts Ralf Peschek and Matthias Unterrieder discuss the impact of mandatory vaccination on the employment relationship in Austria. They shed light on issues ranging from the introduction of mandatory vaccination in the workplace, including legal and operational issues, to the effects […]...
Flexible Working Practices: Navigating the New Norm
In this new episode of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, lawyers Anna Rizova from our Sofia office and Adelina Iftime Blagean from our office in Bucharest discuss new standards of work – particularly around flexible working practices. They explore current trends among employees and employers, how this is impacting organisations, and the challenges and opportunities these topics […]...
Do ask, do tell: LGBTIQ+ and the legal industry (Part 2)
Earlier this month, we released our first part of the episode “Do ask, do tell: LGBTIQ+ and the legal industry ” with a focus on sexual orientation, gender and the role of diversity at Wolf Theiss. Also in this episode, we welcome Christian Mikosch, Partner of our Corporate/M&A team at Wolf Theiss and Pride Biz […]...
Do ask, do tell: LGBTIQ+ and the legal industry (Part 1)
In May 2021, Wolf Theiss became an ally of Pride Biz Austria, the umbrella organisation of Queer Business Women and Austrian Gay Professionals. Pride Biz Austria helps people and organisations understand why LGBTIQ+ Diversity is important. Since Wolf Theiss actively supports the LGBTIQ+ community and knows that much work is still to be done, we […]...
Understanding Chinese investments in Central Europe
What are the risks Chinese investors face when doing business in Europe? What are a difference between Chinese state-owned enterprises, private companies and private equity investors? And why do capital remittance control matter? Christian Mikosch, Partner for our Corporate/M&A practice and head of the Wolf Theiss China desk invited Michael Zou, Partner at Chance Bridge […]...
E-signatures: how they are regulated and how to use them
European legislation introduced the concept of electronic signatures in 1999 when the Directive on a Community framework for electronic signatures was adopted (the so called eSignature Directive). A further step was taken in July 2016 when the eIDAS Regulation came into force and set the ground for a level playing field across all EU member […]...
Financial Services Industry: Past, Present & Future
In July 2021, the European Central Bank confirmed that it is going to be proceeding with its digital Euro project. How will this decision impact the Financial Services Industry? Our guest speakers, Silvia Attanasio – Head of Innovation at ABI – and Petko Karamotchev – CEO of Industria Technology – have been involved in the implementation […]...
I need a holiday! Know the rules on holiday entitlement
Most employees have dealt with questions like “How and when can I plan a holiday? What if I want to re-schedule my holidays? And can I be called back to the office?”. Since holiday season is in full swing we chose a fitting topic for our latest podcast episode: Holiday entitlement and the employment law aspects […]...
Balancing work and family life: two lawyers share their views
What do the children of lawyers dream to be when they grow up? And what is it like juggling home school and home office? These were among the questions our Soundshot Community submitted. Listen to our most recent episode “Balancing work and family life: two lawyers share their views” to hear all the questions and […]...
Digital Transformation: changing how businesses deliver value
What does digitalisation mean for my company, for my sector? This is the question business leaders must constantly ask themselves, especially now that sectoral lines are blurring as a result of innovative technologies. Anna Rizova (Managing Partner of our Sofia office, expert for regulatory and commercial matters in the energy and telecommunication sectors) and János […]...