

8 April 2021

Change and Recovery – Resilience and opportunity in Central & Eastern Europe

Last year was a training course for many companies in adaptation and agility. What are the lessons learnt and what is the outlook for the upcoming months in CEE? Wolf Theiss Partners Richard Clegg and Ileana Glodeanu discuss how businesses in the CEE region adapted in 2020 & 2021 and the positive prospects for the […]...

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25 March 2021

Diversity and equality in the legal industry – A look behind the scenes

How do you support your female co-workers? What does it take to reach gender equality in the legal industry? And did you ever feel you had to fight harder for reaching your goals than your male colleagues had to?We asked Andjelka Todorović and Adelina Iftime-Blagean these and other questions to learn about their personal experiences […]...

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11 March 2021

Diversity is key – the Wolf Theiss approach to female empowerment

Female empowerment matters – not only on March 8th, International Women’s Day, but on every other day of the year. While there is still a long way to go for true gender equality (not only in the legal industry but in many other industries, too), there has already been a lot of progress – more […]...

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25 February 2021

Know your tags! Influencer marketing on social media!

Influencer marketing is part of social media, but it is not as easy it appears to be. While brands and companies love to work with influencers and use their reach, the legal aspects behind it sometimes tend to be forgotten – with serious consequences as some examples have shown in the past. In this episode, […]...

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28 January 2021

Grow with us – How to start your international career at a law firm

Did you know that Wolf Theiss is represented in 13 jurisdictions, covering 10 different practice areas? The fact that we join forces and work closely together in the CEE/SEE region does not only enable us to provide the best possible service to our international clients but also to encourage our teams to grow their careers […]...

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10 December 2020

Let’s get digital – The role of Legal Tech in the Legal Industry

Legal industry without Legal Tech? That’s almost unthinkable nowadays! As one of the first law firms of the CEE/SEE region we started to implement our project management tool Wolf Theiss Space two years ago and simultaneously began to work with document automation tools. Since then we have actively used these tools, be it for internal […]...

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26 November 2020

You can do it: How to pass your Assessment Centre at a law firm

Almost unsolvable tasks, extremely high pressure and strict observers – Assessment Centres seem to be full of horror stories BUT not all of them are true! We wanted to look behind all the clichès and asked Michael Meindl and Florian Pechhacker for some insights! In fact, Michael (now Associate for Construction team) joined Wolf Theiss […]...

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12 November 2020

How is COVID-19 Impacting the European Real Estate Markets?

Home office, social distancing, lockdowns – the measures taken to combat COVID-19 have impacted almost every industrial sector – including Real Estate. Together with Peter Oberlechner – Partner in our Vienna Real Estate team – and our guest speaker Andreas Ridder – managing director of CBRE Austria – we are discussing the current impacts and […]...

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22 October 2020

Be bold! – Future female lawyers share their first experience at a law firm

Working for a big law firm can sometimes be intimidating, especially when you are applying for your first internships and don’t know what to expect. In this episode, Helene Schnabl and Marta Baftiaj talk about their first impressions as applicants and interns and explain why their expectations were exceeded and why especially young women should […]...

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8 October 2020

The Future is Green – Renewable Energy in CEE/SEE

Over the past few months, the European Green Deal seems to have moved to the background; however, the challenges remain the same! In the second episode of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, two experts from our Projects team, Andjelka Todorovic from Belgrade and Bryan Jardine from our Bucharest office discuss the past, current and future situation of […]...

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28 September 2020

How do you start your career in a law firm? Two associates share their experience

What is it like to be an intern at Wolf Theiss? Who could answer this question better than our team members which either started their career off as an intern or supported new talents as mentors? In this episode, Theresia Welser and Johannes Sekanina tell us why they joined Wolf Theiss, what they have experienced […]...

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21 August 2020

M&A in a new Ecosystem

What impact did COVID-19 have on Mergers and Acquisitions in the CEE/SEE region? In the first episode of Wolf Theiss Soundshot, Corporate & M&A Partners Sarah Wared and Florian Kusznier from our Vienna Office discuss the changes in deal structures they have seen in the first half of 2020, how M&A transactions have been affected […]...

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