

29 November 2021

The Future of Government

Amidst the increasing speed of technological development, governments across the world are at a crossroads. They face the dual challenge of implementing new tech solutions to fulfill their own mandates, while at the same time effectively regulating the use of that same technology in wider society. The stakes are high. How can elected officials and […]...

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21 October 2021

The Future of Mobility

Since man first traveled to the moon half a century ago, the technology behind mobility has taken many giant leaps forward. Has it advanced enough to allow us to explore Mars effectively? Back on Earth, the trend goes towards more autonomous vehicles? How safe is autonomous driving and who is responsible? And what about drones? […]...

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9 October 2021

The Future of Investing

Recent global events have been a roller-coaster ride for investors, shaking up the markets in a way similar to the Great Recession or the Dot Com Bubble. New technologies are also on the rise, shaping the investment environment for start-ups and established players. Cryptocurrencies will shape markets as never before, and FinTech is driving innovation […]...

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5 October 2021

The Future of Healthcare

The healthcare sector has not only been greatly impacted by digital transformation but also by consumer behaviour, influencing the development of virtual healthcare, increased patient involvement in selecting health care options and new innovations in care models. The pandemic has rapidly increased those innovations and has led to extensive collaboration between health care organisations, industry […]...

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24 June 2021

The Future of Communication

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated structural challenges and trends in the telecommunications industry. Consumer needs the world across have rapidly changed, and businesses require innovative communications solutions as fast as providers can offer them, largely in response to the virtual nature of workplace communication. Converging and remixing entertainment experiences is also considered a key opportunity […]...

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10 June 2021

The Future of Computing

Technological trends that will define the next decade are already here. The increasing ability of autonomous systems to learn and act intelligently will continue to transform our everyday lives. The Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are just some of the developments that are already shaping our future. This webinar was […]...

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28 May 2021

Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property – Croatia, Serbia & Slovenia

Covid-19 is impacting the current use of real estate. This can be seen, for example from the decreasing demand for retail space and the trend towards a reduction of office space. In our webinar series “Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property”, our experts discuss these shifts of demand and […]...

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17 May 2021

Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property – Bulgaria & Romania

Covid-19 is impacting the current use of real estate. This can be seen, for example from the decreasing demand for retail space and the trend towards a reduction of office space. In our webinar series “Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property”, our experts discuss these shifts of demand and […]...

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17 May 2021

Counterparty Due Diligence for International Investors in CEE

Central and Eastern Europe (“CEE”) has become an increasingly attractive region for international investors targeting high growth assets within the EU. Many CEE countries have favourbale tax regimes to attract foreign investment, and the core CEE region is witnessing an economic boom that investors are keen to be a part of. However, while some investors […]...

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3 May 2021

Neue Arbeitswelt nach COVID-19? – Zukunftsforschung

Die Corona-Pandemie hat die Arbeitswelt verändert und stellt Arbeitgeber sowohl kurz- als auch langfristig vor eine Vielzahl neuer Herausforderungen. In unserer Webinar-Serie beleuchten unsere Anwälte aus verschiedenen Rechtsgebieten sowie Experten für Arbeitnehmerschutz, Arbeitspsychologie und Zukunftsforschung die Herausforderungen der neuen Arbeitswelt nach COVID aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln und geben Tipps, wie wir uns auf die Zukunft vorbereiten […]...

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29 April 2021

Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property – Czech Republic, Hungary & Slovakia

Covid-19 is impacting the current use of real estate. This can be seen, for example from the decreasing demand for retail space and the trend towards a reduction of office space . In our webinar series “Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property”, our experts discuss these shifts of demand […]...

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22 April 2021

Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property – Poland

Covid-19 is impacting the current use of real estate. This can be seen, for example from the decreasing demand for retail space and the trend towards a reduction of office space . In our webinar series “Change of Use of Real Estate – How to Optimize a Property”, our experts discuss these shifts of demand […]...

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