
Client Alert

23 July 2024

FDI in Romania: New Screening Rules for EU investors

Following the latest developments in Romania’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) screening regime in December 2023, which encompasses EU investors within the screening scope, the Romanian Parliament has recently introduced a new law that revises and reinforces the approach towards EU investors by harmonising the sanctioning regime for “gun-jumping” between non-EU and EU investors. This move […]...

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18 July 2024

AI Act: countdown starts

Last week the long-awaited AI Act was published in the EU’s Official Journal on 12 July, becoming Regulation (EU) 2024/1689. Once it enters into force on 1 August 2024, 20 days after its publication, the countdown to the various provisions of the AI Act becoming applicable will begin. The AI Act is an essential part […]...

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10 July 2024

New special taxes for companies to be introduced in Hungary

This Client Alert is available in both English and Hungarian. The announcements made by the Hungarian Government on 8 July 2024 envisage a number of new and higher payment obligations, as well as other public taxes and restrictions, that will include a defence contribution, increased administrative fines, extra profit tax, changes to social contribution tax […]...

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4 July 2024

New rules for fleet insurance in the Czech Republic

On 5 June 2024, the Czech government introduced a proposal to the Czech Parliament that brings fundamental changes to fleet insurance in the Czech Republic. This proposal provides additional obligations on fleet policyholders. Please see the details below. Types of fleet insurance under Czech law Fleet insurance (i.e. a specific type of insurance where the […]...

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2 July 2024

Compliance Requirements under the Croatian Act on Restrictive Measures 

The Act on Restrictive Measures (OG No. 133/2023, the “Act“) entered into force on 15 November 2023 (with the application of certain main provisions as of 15 May 2024). The Act establishes more effective due diligence and reporting procedures and mechanisms, which will enable the Republic of Croatia to implement new and more complex sanctions […]...

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25 June 2024

Employment Brief: Bulgaria switches to electronic labour records 

Bulgaria has outlined a procedure for electronic labour records (ELR) in a draft Ordinance published for public consultations on 21 May 2024.The switch to ELR will take effect on 1 June 2025, as stipulated by recent amendments to the Labour Code. This represents a significant step in the long-awaited digitalisation of employment records.  According to the […]...

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18 June 2024

Life Sciences Bulletin: New public foundation to oversee exceptional drug funding in Hungary as of 2025

Commencing in 2025, the Batthyány-Strattmann László Foundation will assume the responsibility of managing applications for exceptional drug funding in Hungary. The foundation itself will receive its annual funding from the government, in accordance with the latest amendment to Act LXXXIII of 1997 on compulsory health insurance benefits. This represents a significant change to the management […]...

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12 June 2024

Ukrainian capital and commodity markets: enhancement to regulator’s powers and other regulatory developments

On 27 April 2024, the Law of Ukraine, titled “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On State Regulation of Capital Markets and Organised Commodity Markets’ and Certain Other Statutory Acts of Ukraine Concerning Regulation and Supervision of Capital Markets and Organised Commodity Markets” (the Law), came into effect. As claimed by the Law’s authors, […]...

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12 June 2024

Employment Brief: The implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive in Poland is imminent 

The bill on the protection of whistleblowers in Poland is at the final stage of the legislative process and the core provisions have been set.  Key provisions of the bill Under the new law, reporting irregularities will be permitted via different reporting channels: Anonymous reporting is permitted through internal and external channels. However, entities that […]...

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28 May 2024

Employment Brief: legal implications of live-quitting and employee ghosting in Hungary

Live-quitting (or Quit-Tok1) and employee ghosting2 continue to gain traction among employees in Hungary. The termination of employment is often a stressful situation for employees, which prompts them to find alternative ways of ending their employment relationship. However, these atypical termination practices can yield several unintended legal implications under local laws. Legal implications In cases […]...

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15 May 2024

Wann ist der Betrieb einer E-Ladestation gewerblich?

Die Anzahl von E-Fahrzeugen steigt, der Markt für E-Ladestationen – sei es in der eigenen Garage oder auf öffentlichen Plätzen – boomt. Infolgedessen steigt auch das Angebot von professionellen Dienstleistern, deren Geschäftsmodell in der Installation, Betrieb, Wartung samt Abrechnung etc von E-Ladestationen besteht. Dass diese gewerblich agieren, steht außer Zweifel. Doch wie verhält es sich mit […]...

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14 May 2024

Latest round of changes in Hungarian e-commerce and consumer protection regulations

During the first quarter of 2024, the Hungarian legislator made several amendments to Hungarian e-commerce and consumer protection legislation. This trend is projected to continue, as updated regulations published on 23 April 2024 include further updates to various provisions within the Hungarian consumer protection legal framework.  Extension of the mandatory commercial guarantee period The amendment […]...

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