Press Release Press Release

Wolf Theiss advises Nova KBM d.d. – The first issuance of senior non-preferred eligible notes in Slovenia

On 25 May 2021, Nova KBM d.d., the second largest bank in Slovenia, successfully completed the issuance of EUR 125.7 million senior non-preferred eligible notes. The notes have a maturity of 6 years and were privately placed to institutional investors. The fixed interest rate during the first five years will be 1.625% p.a.; thereafter the fixed interest rate shall be reset. The denomination is EUR 100,000 per note. The notes are intended to be eligible for MREL (Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities) purposes.

Nova KBM d.d. was advised by a team of Wolf Theiss lawyers led by partner Klemen Radosavljević, and consisting of partner Markus Bruckmüller, counsel Christine Siegl and associate Matej Kraner. Additional advice to Nova KBM d.d. was provided by Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

Klemen Radosavljević on the transaction: “We are very pleased to have been a part of the senior non-preferred issuance of Nova KBM, a debut issuance of such instruments on the Slovenian market, and we are thankful to Nova KBM for the trust they have placed in us and congratulate the team of Nova KBM on this successful transaction.”

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