
Press Release

3 August 2020

Wolf Theiss berät “UniImmo: Wohnen ZBI” bei Markteintritt in Österreich: Fond erwirbt 700 Mietwohnungen in Wien

Wien, 30. Juni 2020 - Wolf Theiss hat den offenen Immobilien-Publikums-AIF "UniImmo: Wohnen ZBI" bei seinem ersten Investment auf dem österreichischen Markt beraten. Das Neubau-Projekt "Wohngarten" in Wien Simmering wurde im Rahmen eines Forward Deals erworben. Das Closing ist heute erfolgt....

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3 August 2020

Wolf Theiss berät die Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. bei der Emission einer EUR 100 Mio Unternehmensanleihe

Wien, 12. Juni 2020 - Wolf Theiss hat die Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. als Emittentin einer € 100 Mio Anleihe (ISIN: AT0000A2GUE3) beraten....

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3 August 2020

Wolf Theiss advises Chinese home appliance producer HISENSE in takeover Of Gorenje

On 28 June 2018, the China-based producer of home appliances, HISENSE, announced the successful outcome of its takeover offer for the shares in the Slovenia-based white-goods manufacturer Gorenje. The target company is listed on the Ljubljana and Warsaw stock exchanges and has overall revenues of EUR 1.2 billion and over 11,000 employees. Before and in the course of the takeover offer that was launched on 25 May 2018, HISENSE acquired more than 95% of the shares of GORENJE....

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3 August 2020

Poland may see up to several hundred million Euros in distressed M&A investments

Warsaw, 20 April 2020 – Funds specializing in the acquisition of assets in difficulty are already beginning to actively seek investment opportunities in Poland. It is estimated that such funds currently have between EUR 30 and 40 billion at their disposal, out of which several hundred million euros may go to Poland. However, bankruptcy and restructuring law may be an obstacle in the way of facilitating such transactions says Lech Giliciński, Partner and leader of the restructuring team at the Wolf Theiss Warsaw office....

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31 July 2020

Wolf Theiss vertritt GARBE Industrial Real Estate bei Erwerb von zwei Logistikimmobilien in Wien

Wien, 7. Juli 2020 – Wolf Theiss berät GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH beim Kauf zweier Logistikimmobilien im Südosten von Wien mit einer Grundstücksgröße von rund 103.000 Quadratmetern....

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31 July 2020

Wolf Theiss names new partners in Austria and Croatia

Vienna, 1 July 2020 – As of 1 July 2020, Clara Gordon, Matthias Schimka and Robert Wagner (Vienna) as well as Dora Gaži Kovačević and Saša Jovičić (Zagreb) are promoted to partner....

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31 July 2020

Lack of regulation for energy storage harms the development of renewable energy sources in Poland

Warsaw, 29 June 2020 – The issue of energy storage has been discussed in Poland for several years. "The first experimental investments in this area have already started, but the lack of announced regulations, which were expected at the beginning of this year, has had a negative impact on the entire market environment", alerts Konrad Kosicki, who heads the Energy Team in the Warsaw office of Wolf Theiss. Meanwhile, an increasing number of countries in the CEE region are putting the development of storage systems as a key to the future of their energy networks....

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22 July 2020

Austrian State Printing House wins with Wolf Theiss in investment protection arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Kosovo

In arbitration proceedings relating to the breach of contract on the part of the Republic of Kosovo against the Austrian State Printing House (Österreichische Staatsdruckerei, or ÖSD), the International Arbitral Centre of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris ruled in favour of the Austrian high-security company: the Republic of Kosovo must now pay to the State Printing House approx. EUR 5.0 million in addition to all related procedural costs....

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22 July 2020

Brexit: Wolf Theiss Experten informierten über rechtliche und steuerliche Auswirkungen für Österreich und die EU

Wien – Über 150 Teilnehmer informierten sich beim WOLF THEISS Brexit-Stresstest über mögliche rechtliche Konsequenzen des künftigen Austrittes der zweitgrößten europäischen Wirtschaftsnation aus der EU. Die Experten sind sich einig: Es bleibt kein Stein auf dem anderen....

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22 April 2020

Cyber Attacks: Die ersten 72 Stunden zählen. Die jüngsten Cyberattacken – national und international

Laut aktuellen Schätzungen des FBI liegt der durch Cyber-Delikte verursachte Schaden jenseits der 3 Milliarden US-Dollar-Grenze. Zu den klassischen Hacker-Angriffen gesellen sich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit auch Social Engineering-Attacken. Die ersten 72 Stunden nach einem Cyber-Angriff können für die Rechtsverfolgung entscheidend sein, erklärten Wolf Theiss–Rechtsexperten im Rahmen eines Pressegesprächs....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss honored in Women in Business Law Awards, winning “Best in Austria”, “Best in Croatia”, “Best in Romania”

Vienna, 22 June 2016 – Following its success at the "European Women in Business Awards" last year, Wolf Theiss has once again won awards for "Best in Austria", "Best in Croatia" and "Best in Romania". The awards ceremony took place in London on 16 June 2016....

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22 April 2020

Wolf Theiss advises Vis Mundi and Levant Capital in acquisition of company shares of Power Horse Energy Drinks GmbH

Wolf Theiss has advised the investors Vis Mundi and Levant Capital in their purchase of a 49% stake in shares of Power Horse Energy Drinks GmbH....

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