Press Release Press Release

Wolf Theiss Tirana advised the Italian SNAM S.p.a. in its new joint venture agreement with the Albanian state-owned gas infrastructure operator Albgaz sha

Wolf Theiss Tirana Partner Sokol Nako and Associate Kristaq Profkola acted as legal counsels of the Italian Snam SpA in its new joint venture agreement with Albgaz, the Albanian gas infrastructure operator. The agreement creates a joint venture with shared control aimed at providing related services for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the gas pipelines in Albania. The signing of the joint venture contract follows the conclusion of an international tender called by Albgaz to select a qualified partner to support the company. It will also facilitate potential future technical collaboration for the development of the Albanian gas market. The agreement is one of several activities launched by the Snam Global Solutions business unit aimed to leverage Snam’s long-established experience in market development and the construction and management of gas infrastructure in Italy and Europe as well as making it available to other operators at a global level.

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